Friday, 24 November 2017


I found some famous slogans that everybody have seen once in their lives!!

Thursday, 16 November 2017


I found some interesting foundraising auctions that happened in Salamanca and all of them had different charity objectives, for example helping the family of a Little boy that has a really strange illness, the ductaion of por people in India, to help spanish families that have a very low social condition and to colaborate with lots of ongs, like UNICEF.

(Here you can go to the websites that talk about this auctions, they are in spanish because in Salamanca we speak spanish)

And also I found a really interesting website where you can find lots of foundraising auctions in USA of every thing that you can imagine.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Lightly: softly.
Unlike: you don't like it.
Something is available.
Barefoot: without shoes
Moped: a kind of motorbike.
Drowns: sink but for people .
Eager: really wanting to do something.
Bitter: a person that can't forget sometihng bad that happen with other person.
Fun-loving: a person who loves party and having fun.
Couch potatoe: a person that loves sitting on the sofá.
Compliment: say good things to a person
Encourage: motivate, cheer

Get used to
Have got used to


Relatives: your family
Ill: when you don't feel well because you are sick
Childish: inmature
Fall out: have an argument with someone
Break up: when a couple is'nt together anymore
Face to face: you talk seeing the others face
Picky eater: a person that eat very few food beacause he doesn't like anything.
Wrestle: take part in a fight
Bland: insipid (food)

Knitting                                                  face to face


TAKE              DO                             MAKE               GET
advantage        a job                           the bed               an idea
a break            excercise                     a cake                angry
a decisión        volunteer job              a deal                lost
a risk              well                              Friends             on/off
your time       your hair                      a mistake          rid of
off                  the dishes                     money              in trouble
part                                                     plans                 ill
it easy                                               a promess           divorced
                                                         a phonecall           flu